
  • Club, gig and festival research
  • Music distribution
  • Register your music with PRO’s
  • Create bio or EPK.
  • Write press releases
  • Create music media press lists
  • Optimise social media for musicians pages
  • Music accounting
  • Create social media banners
  • Optimize social channels
  • Create media-lists
  • Record label administration duties

Smart Links

Preview of page where fans would be able to choose their preferred music streaming service.

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Decentralized distribution ledger technology as way to efficiently release music. Streamline royalty payment and establish a point of origin for music creators.

Revenue Share

The ability to split royalties with featured artists, producers, team members and/or investors.

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Dolby Atoms

Content Creation Solutions enables users to easily create a three-dimensional sonic environment where they can precisely place and move individual sounds to deliver an entirely new music experience.


Music publishing is the business promotion and monetization of musical compositions ensuring that songwriters receive royalties for their work, and also to generate opportunities for those composition to be performed and reproduced.

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Audio mastering give musicians the power of artificial intelligence and data from over 10 million mastered tracks. A professional sound that fits the future of music production.